October 2022
Regular Meeting of the Vestry
Present: Bob Blanton, Priest in Charge; Ross Turner (Senior Warden); Tommy Mills (Treasurer); Isabel Mills; John Lanford; Beth Braley; and Dianne Martin (Clerk)
Call to Order: Ross called the meeting to order and led the opening prayer at 6:38 P.M.
Approval of Minutes from Last Vestry Meeting: Dianne failed to include Beth’s attendance at the September meeting in the September minutes. Dianne said she would amend those minutes. Beth made a motion to accept the September meeting minutes as amended. John seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Treasurer Report
We have been holding pretty steady with about 2½ months in reserve for the past several months. This month we had $116.33 more in revenue than in expenditures. Tommy and Beth brought up the problem of what we might do with that $116.33. During the discussion of the Jr. Warden Report, we discovered a need for that money and then some as noted below.
Jr. Warden Report
The air conditioners in the sacristy and in the Education building have been fixed. Clinton Refrigeration determined that there is no air conditioning leak associated with the light in the women’s restroom. They have not yet submitted the bill for this work. There goes the $116.33 plus some.
Some of the outside light bulbs need to be replaced.
Old Business
Clean-out and Insulation of Storage Room.
An announcement will be made this Sunday that we need to know of anything that needs to be kept that is currently housed in the storage room in the Education building. Members will have until the first Sunday in Advent to let the church know of any items that need to be kept. After that, the items will be disposed.
The Children’s House on Clinton-Raymond Road
The preschool project has been cancelled and all advertisement of it is being stopped.
New Business
Ross provided the vestry a draft of the stewardship letter for this year. Pledge cards will be sent out along with the letter and the congregation will be informed that we would like the pledge cards in by the 1st Sunday in Advent.
Pastor Clark who has retired from Ascension Lutheran Church will lead our service this Sunday. Pastor Bob will lead the service at Ascension Lutheran Church this Sunday. We will still have Adult and Children’s Sunday school as usual.
Trunk or Treat
Creator will be responsible for pizzas for the children at the Trunk or Treat Celebration on October 30. Ross will pick up the pizzas. Beth will get him a count of how many children are expected.
The next Vestry Meeting will be held November 21, 2022, at 6:30 PM.
Dianne moved that the meeting be adjourned. John seconded the motion and it passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 P.M.