We are One body because we share One cup.

Regardless of church denomination or tradition, all who have been baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit are invited to receive Holy Communion during worship services.


May the Lord be with you.



The Church of the Creator is a beautiful little brick building tucked unassumingly into a grove of stately pine trees about three quarters of a mile south of Interstate 20 on Clinton-Raymond Road. Like many Episcopal churches it has predominately Gothic features in its facade. It also has an air of modernity which fits its congregation's conception of itself as a blend between the new and the old, the past and the present, and as a dynamic force reaching into the future. 

Church Windows

One of the more visible symbols of our Creation windows is the spiral, which envelops and encircles the three windows, giving them a unified statement. Though a non-traditional symbol, the spiral is a strong one, suggesting God’s awesome forces, which brought our world into being. At the same time, it reminds us of His continuing interaction with us and our world, today and tomorrow and beyond tomorrow -- throughout eternity.



The Episcopal Church is a member of the world-wide Anglican Communion, with 70 million members in 163 countries. We are a community of Christians bound together by: our belief that Holy Scripture contains the very core of all Christian faith and thought, the many ancient and modern stories that connect us to Jesus and his teachings, discovering daily God’s hope and call to us through our life together.We live out these core beliefs through worship and parish programs reaching out to the community sharing our story with others seeking God’s love together in study and prayer giving of our means and talents to the greater purpose of God’s work.

Regular Service

10:30 AM

A new congregation called the Church of the Creator

The Rev. James Butler and his successor, Rev. Terrell Griffis, served both St. Mary's in Bolton and Church of the Creator. It was the Rev. Butler who salvaged one of the bricks from the 1831 St. Matthew's, and in the early services of Church of the Creator, always laid the brick on the altar. The brick is now incorporated into the vestibule of the present Nave. This brick symbolizes our connection to that "great cloud of witnesses" who struggled before us to bring the Episcopal Church to Clinton.

early 1970s

Meeting places

Congregation began meeting in homes. As the group expanded, the meeting places changed - first, Holy Savior Catholic Church, then the American Bank, and finally The People's Bank. Twenty years later one member wrote, "There were ups and downs to worship in a bank. Mostly these involved carrying the altar and chairs up and down the stairs to the storage room."

August 1977


John Fox donated a 4.5 acre parcel of land to this new congregation. This generous gift created excitement and great anticipation of what was to come, prompting 45 Episcopalians to petition Bishop Duncan Gray, Jr. to become an organized mission. 


One mission

The Diocesan Council passed the petition.This newly formed mission cleared the land and borrowed $15,000 from the Diocesan Standing Committee to buy two trailers, which were dedicated by Bishop Duncan Gray, Jr., in 1979. Later a third trailer was added by gift. During these early years, two other priests served the mission, The Rev. Joe Burnett and the Rev. Gil Montjoy. 

 December 5, 1987

Breaking ground

We broke ground for our first permanent building, our beautiful Nave. The stained glass windows, the pews and most of the furnishings were special gifts. The St. Matthew's brick was laid in the vestibule by Sam Hobson and the Rev. Ralph Kelly on May 10, 1988. On July 10th of that year, the Rev. Ralph Kelly was received as priest and, substituting for the Bishop, the Very Rev. Canon Fred Bush dedicated the new building.

November 1998

A parish family

Under the leadership of the Rev. William Hyde, the church petitioned the Diocese of Mississippi to be considered for Parish status. In February 1999, during Annual Council, Creator was granted Parish status. The Rev. William Hyde answered a call to a parish in Austin, Texas, in 2002, and the Rev. Luther Ott took over as Rector of Creator.


Continued growth

Our parish continued to grow under the leadership of Rev. Ott. On October 1, 2006, The Rev. Luther Ott resigned as Rector of Creator. We were fortunate to be assigned an interim Rector, Fr. Michael Dobrosky within a very short time following Fr. Ott’s resignation. We at Creator continue to push forward with the dream of replacing our last trailer with a permanent building that will house additional classrooms, space for our choirs, and our growing youth program.


Next phase

On September 9, 2007, we welcomed a new Rector, The Reverend Ann Whitaker, to lead us through our next phase of growth. Ann resigned in August 2011 to become Associate Rector at St. Peter's in Oxford. Our current Priest-in-Charge is The Reverend Robert M. Blanton. "Pastor Bob," as he likes to be called, assumed his duties here December 2012. The Rev. Bob Blanton is a retired Lutheran priest who serves this parish as a part-time Priest-in-Charge. Pastor Bob has begun to lead this parish into the future. Our congregation is growing and under his leadership a new education building was begun in 2014.


Rev. Robert M. Blanton


Beth Braley



Ross Turner


Tommy Mills


Deborah Runyan


Joyce White


Isabel Mills


Jennifer Duncan


John Lanford


Dianne Martin