August 2022
Regular Meeting of the Vestry
Present: Bob Blanton, Priest in Charge; Ross Turner (Senior Warden); Austin Onyia (Junior Warden); Isabel Mills; Tommy Mills (Treasurer); John Lanford; Jennifer Duncan; and Dianne Martin (Clerk)
Call to Order: Ross called the meeting to order and led the opening prayer at 6:40 P.M.
Approval of Minutes from Last Vestry Meeting: The June minutes had the word “Caring” misspelled as “Carrying”. Dianne said she would fix the problem. John made a motion to accept the June meeting minutes as corrected. Tommy seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Treasurer Report
Tommy and Beth discussed the treasurer’s report. Tommy asked about the expenditures looking especially high for the June reports. Beth explained that this was due to her having to pay ahead on two general budget line items, grounds maintenance and janitorial, so that they would be covered while she was on vacation. Our expenditures were again higher that revenue last month. This is typical for the summer months. We have 2.65 months in reserve.
Dianne had a concern that the Choir Fund does not have enough funds to pay for the organ software. Beth said more than one person is contributing to the Choir Fund and that we are catching up such that the Choir Fund will eventually show a positive balance.
Jr. Warden Report
Beth will have Clinton Refrigeration in to look at the air conditioner in the vestry room because it is not working. She will have them take a look at the Education Building as well. Also, it seems the air conditioning is leaking into the light fixture in the women’s restroom. Beth will have Clinton Refrigeration look into this too. We need some air conditioner filters and a place to store them. Ross will look into this.
Safe Harbor and the AA groups are remaining faithful in purchasing needed items for the church.
A dead tree has been taken down and the cost will be about $200.
Austin needs keys to the buildings. Beth will have them ready before Sunday.
Bob said that plants near the statue and those under the big window in the parish hall need to be trimmed or pulled. Austin will address this issue.
Old Business
Clean-out and Insulation of Storage Room.
We still need to take care of the insulation and clean-out of the storage room in the Education Building. Ross will get with Deborah Runyan to see what needs to be saved out of the Education Building.
Education volunteers needed
As stated last month, Deborah Runyan is interested in having Sunday School for children but would like some others to volunteer as well. Dianne reached out to Deborah to volunteer but we will still need two to three others if we are to have it as a once-a-month volunteer opportunity per teacher. We also have two nursery age children who enjoy each other and would benefit from a nursery so volunteers are needed for a nursery. Pastor Bob will lead adult Sunday School if we have children’s Sunday School.
New Business
Austin is interested in having Creator participate in more outreach. He will be thinking of what that might mean and bring it up at a later Vestry Meeting.
The next Vestry Meeting will be held September 19, 2022, 6:30 PM. The meeting was adjourned at 7:09 P.M.
Ross Turner, Senior Warden
Dianne Martin, Clerk of the Vestry