January 2023
Regular Meeting of the Vestry
Present: Bob Blanton (Priest in Charge), Ross Turner (Senior Warden), Tommy Mills (Treasurer), Isabel Mills, Austin Onyia, John Lanford, Beth Braley, Jennifer Duncan, Bob White, and Dianne Martin (Clerk)
Call to Order: Ross called the meeting to order and led the opening prayer at 6:41 P.M.
Approval of Minutes from Last Vestry Meeting: Beth made a motion to accept the December meeting minutes. Tommy seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Treasurer Report
We had $9,021.38 in expenditures and $8,455.00 in revenue in December resulting in our reserve going to 2.32 months.
Jr. Warden Report
A tree has fallen on the property. Beth will have Jason take care of it. Austin has replaced the air filters in the church and education buildings.
Old Business
Clean-out and insulation of Storage Room
An announcement concerning the cleaning out of the storage room will be made at church on Sunday, January 22. The clean out will ready us for fixing the insulation.
Diocesan Council
John has a work conflict and will not be able to serve as alternate delegate. Ross may also have a work conflict but doesn’t know for sure yet. Isabel may be able to serve as alternate if its possible to do that via zoom rather than onsite attendance. Beth will check into that possibility.
Creator Annual Meeting
Creator’s Annual Meeting will be held during the church service on January 22.
The proposed budget was presented and discussed. Bob White made a motion to approve the budget. John seconded the motion and it passed.
New Business
Eucharistic Ministers
Isabel moved that we approve Bob White, Joyce White, and Ruby Lanford remaining as Eucharistic Ministers. Beth seconded the motion and it passed.
Creator Annual Meeting
Creator’s annual meeting will be held Sunday, January 22nd.
The next Vestry Meeting will be held February, 2023, at 6:30 PM.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 P.M.